Port agency
in all Greek portsSeaway Shipping & Tourist Services
Accessible and ready to offer services 24/7
Seaway Shipping & Tourist Services
Serving our Associates in revealing
cruise destinationsSeaway Shipping & Tourist Services
Your cruise ship partner in Greece and
the Eastern MediterraneanSeaway Shipping & Tourist Services
Tailor-made shore excursions
in all destinationsSeaway Shipping & Tourist Services
We are in business to help your company thrive, even in challenging times. We have the reach, resources, expertise and experience to provide the best services in cruise ships agency. It’s a promise we take seriously. Seaway acts as a single point contact for you to all Greek cruise destination ports, with an established network of local offices and suppliers to accommodate all cruise vessels’ needs. We take pride in what we do. We have been able the last 25 years, since 1996, to build sound working relationships with national maritime officials, local port authorities and different interest parties within the Greek cruise community. Our mission is to be easily approachable, comfortable to work with and fully trusted throughout all our business. Naming us your agency, you may rest assured that your vessels and passengers are in good hands!
Port Operations
Our skilled team operates in a highly professional level and guarantees the efficient management of cruise vessels. We perform excellent coordination with our branch managers and staff, the impact of which is directly received by our ships and passengers.
Our people offer personal round the clock communications with office staff and vessels’ crew, ready to go the extra mile to meet and exceed the needs of our customers. We set highest personal and professional standards which make us stand out in a global competitive work.
As time is of essence in the cruise industry, our experienced logistics team monitors shipments and provides cost efficient logistics services at all times.
Through our extended network of suppliers we achieve, without sacrificing on quality, highly competitive prices for marine spares , lube oil, paints, chemicals, gasses, spares , frozen or fresh stores,
We organize delivery by sea, air and road, and arranging all necessary customs clearance formalities for speedy delivery to the vessels.
Shore Excursions
Our shore excursions and land operations department organizes on a daily basis, tours for our cruise ships passengers in all the Greek destinations. We efficiently support any crew movement operation, i.e. visas, hotel accommodations, transfers, formalities etc.
Service in all Greek Ports
Greek ports information
Our head offices are based in Piraeus opposite the main passenger terminal. We have branch offices in all the Greek ports. All offices are manned with most experienced personnel.

Nautical Charts
For all Greek Ports

Piers and anchorage positions